Flower power

Cook with edible flowers Look to edible flowers to add beauty, flavor, and elegance to healthy seasonal dishes. These recipes will help you create not only pretty plates but delectable meals, perfectly suited for summer eating. Whether you find them in your own garden or at the farmers’ market, make sure you’re using edible flowers..

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Play every day

How to make physical activity a lifelong habit Are you worried that your kid is a couch potato? Is that concern warranted, or is it simply a product of generational differences? We explore healthy activity levels and talk with an expert about how to help turn your mini-me into a mini-mover! It’s all fun and..

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Can love boost your health?

What the science says You’ve heard the musical phrase, “Love is all you need.” It’s certainly true that our health flourishes with good old-fashioned love—of any kind (friends, family, even your favorite sports team!). Find out how love affects our heart health and our brain health.  Love and heart health Falling in love can make the heart..

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Learn with all your senses

How multimodal enrichment works How do we learn best? New scientific evidence suggests that learning that incorporates the use of multiple senses and movement—known as multimodal enrichment—may be the way of the future when it comes to teaching and learning for all ages. Coming back to our senses Multimodal enrichment (a.k.a. multisensory learning) transforms the..

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Humor is healthy!

Lighten your load with laughter It’s easy to get serious in our lives, given all that is unfolding in the world. The good news? There is mounting evidence that a good sense of humor, including laughing out loud, is good for us. A good sense of humor Laughter is a physical (and thus visible) expression..

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Game-day eats

These recipes score big Feeding a houseful of hungry fans during this season of sporting greatness? These nutritious and satisfying meals are sure to carry you all the way to game-day hosting victory. Game on! Margherita Chicken Pizzas Top a small pita with mozzarella, chicken, and other pizza favorites, then broil, and you have a..

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Men’s health roadmap

Navigate lifelong wellness Being happier and healthier for longer requires a proactive approach to men’s health and well-being. Although there is no “fountain of youth,” there are steps that can be taken for men to navigate the life course in the most positive trajectory possible. An ounce of prevention Preventive medicine is becoming an increasingly..

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How to work out in the heat

Hot tips for when temperatures soar Summer heat can take a toll on your health and wellness. Stay safe and fit, no matter what the thermometer says, with these hot tips. Heatstroke dangers “Never ignore heat exposure symptoms,” says Joseph Sudimack, MS, CSCS. “There’s an increased risk of having something mild, such as muscular cramps,..

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Reach out—don’t “man up”

Why stress is different for men Men are no less immune than women from the effects of stress. But it’s the manifestations of that stress and how men deal with them that often differs dramatically. Here are some effective ways for men to manage that stress. What are the consequences of chronic stress? A certain..

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Give yourself a financial health checkup

How to improve your financial fitness If your bank balance isn’t trending in the right direction, or if you just want to bump it up a notch, you’re probably due for a financial health checkup. Here’s your road map to a healthier financial future. More than just money Getting a handle on your financial well-being..

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