9 foods to eat for high blood pressure

What you eat can make a difference While high blood pressure is the number-one modifiable risk factor for disease and death in the world, the key emphasis should be on the word “modifiable.” Modify your diet to lower your blood pressure naturally. Researchers have identified blood pressure foods that are especially effective for hypertension. 1…

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Your pre- and mid-workout nutrition guide

Customized nutrition for every fitness goal Workout nutrition can feel intimidating, but don’t sweat it. The latest research outlines exactly how to customize your diet based on your personal fitness goals. Trying to increase your endurance, build some muscle, or lose an extra pound or two? We’ve got you covered. Go longer, go faster: Fuel..

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Fall in love with nature …

and become more eco-friendly! It’s time to rekindle our love of the earth and make sustainability a priority each and every day. Yes, it’s true: connecting with what we love about the earth means that we can better understand our environment and how to protect it. Early beginnings Scientific literature suggests that those who spend..

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Be healthy together

What you and your partner can do for each other’s health A recent study observed that couples who live in the same home environment also tend to “copy” each other. This may explain why, when one partner has a chronic disease such as hypertension, diabetes, or dyslipidemia (high cholesterol), their spouse is at risk of..

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3 meals to power your winter

Rejuvenating recipes for the winter blahs When we’re in the grips of winter and the short, dark days are upon us, we can sometimes start feeling a bit down and withdrawn. Get your fork ready and read on to discover a handful of delicious and nutritious meal ideas perfect for keeping your mind and body..

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