Tea benefits to support rejuvenation

Harness the power of this simple pleasure As a new season approaches, it’s common to turn our minds toward rejuvenation—detoxifying ourselves from what’s not serving us and refocusing on what nurtures us. Tea, both true tea—made from the tea plant Camellia sinensis, including green, white, and black teas—and certain herbal infusions, can help in the physical..

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Put your heart into it

How our emotions affect our well-being More and more is being understood about the ways our hearts, minds, and contexts are interconnected. How we feel affects our health, and so, too, does our environment. Reuniting thoughts, feelings, and health “I believe it is important for one to realize that our thoughts and emotions, which are..

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What’s the deal with detoxification?

How we can deal with everyday toxins The term “detoxification” refers to biological processes responsible for safely removing harmful substances from the body. This involves the coordination of several body systems, including the circulatory system, liver, intestines, kidneys, and more. Shifting our diet and lifestyle patterns, as well as providing higher amounts of certain nutrients..

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Embrace failure to find success Put perfect aside Is a fear or failing getting you down? Reframing “failure” and “perfection” can help. Failure as a feature of the journey According to clinical psychologist Dr. Diana Brecher, “it’s almost impossible to know at what point one can judge whether we’ve actually failed at something, or succeeded…

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Strengthen your immune system

Exercise has a huge impact How many people reading this article enjoy being bogged down by a cold or flu infection? Of course: no one. Because of this fact, many people are interested in how they can leverage physical activity to bolster their immune system and minimize the frequency, severity, and duration of illness. Plenty..

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The stress-complexion connection

Protect your skin Did you know that stress can affect your complexion? Our adrenal glands secrete the hormones adrenalin (for immediate danger, such as our “fight or flight” response) and cortisol (for prolonged and chronic anxiety, such as work or parenting). These hormones can wreak havoc on our looks as well as our health. Crisis..

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