Protect your skin

Did you know that stress can affect your complexion? Our adrenal glands secrete the hormones adrenalin (for immediate danger, such as our “fight or flight” response) and cortisol (for prolonged and chronic anxiety, such as work or parenting). These hormones can wreak havoc on our looks as well as our health.

Crisis #1: Dark circles under the eyes
In one study examining the causes and prevalence of dark circles, lack of adequate sleep and stress were two associated factors.
Naturopath Dr. Nayumi Saiki explains this stress-sleep connection: “With normal circadian rhythms, cortisol levels are at the lowest during sleep, and peak shortly after waking.” Under stress, however, these levels become unbalanced, and irregular sleep ensues.

A nightly cup of camomile tea was shown in one recent study to help reduce fatigue and aid in sleep quality. Camomile has calming properties to help soothe frayed nerves. Cooled camomile teabags can also be applied to tired eyes to help reduce puffiness.

Crisis #2: Damaged skin
Stress and the skin have an intimate and immediate connection. Stress can exacerbate skin disorders, like eczema and psoriasis, and can cause breakdown of collagen. Stress has also been linked to wrinkles and delayed wound healing.

Vitamin C is used by the body to create collagen and assist in skin repair. Load up on these foods high in vitamin C the next time you’re at the store:

  • kiwis
  • oranges
  • red peppers
  • lemon

“Lemon contains vitamin C, and the power is in the peel!” says holistic nutritionist Carley Simandl. She recommends blending a whole organic lemon into your next smoothie to create a powerful skin tonic.

Topically, pamper your skin by applying high-antioxidant skin care oils such as rosehip. Simandl recommends diluting one drop of helichrysum or frankincense essential oil in five drops of rosehip. “These oils are considered liquid gold for healing skin and contain brightening compounds for dull or sallow skin,” she explains. Always double-check for sensitivities to essential oils before applying. Remember, essential oils should always be diluted properly.

Crisis #3: Thinning hair
Thinning hair can make even the most confident person self-conscious. Cortisol is known to affect hair follicles, and excessive daily hair loss may be linked to thyroid disturbances.

Our thyroid is nourished by zinc and iodine, both imperative for healthy hair growth and stress reduction. Seafood and pumpkin seeds are high in zinc. Adding a sea veggie like kelp will give you a boost of iodine.