Increase efficiency and enjoyment

Have you found yourself working from home recently? You’re not alone. Working remotely is a new reality for many of us, but it’s not always an easy shift. Here’s how to make the most of it.

Stick to a schedule

Just like a routine in the office is helpful, creating and sticking to a schedule at home is helpful as well. Write a to-do list with your deadlines, deliverables, and goals for the day.

Create a morning routine

It can be tempting to sleep in until the last minute, since you no longer have a commute to worry about. However, this can leave you feeling groggy and unprepared. Instead, consider a morning routine that you find energizing. Perhaps do a meditation or short workout, brew some coffee or sip some tea, eat a healthy breakfast, and have a shower. Some people also find it helpful to get dressed in office attire, which helps set the tone for the day.

Design your office space

Set up an at-home work space and have fun with it! The best work spaces are separate from “regular” places like the couch, dining table, or bedroom. This can be tricky in a small home or apartment, but do what you can. Try to ensure that you have a comfortable chair and good lighting. Perhaps consider adding a plant, and a spot for a hot beverage. Hang a calendar or a list of deadlines, just like you’d have in an office.

Set boundaries for others

Are you at home with others? Let family members know that when you are at your work space, you are busy working. Ask that your family members respect your work time, and let them know your schedule so they know what to expect.

Those dealing with school and daycare closures may have their children home with them too—a very unique challenge! If you are home with your children, research free online educational content, such as from Scholastic, or learning apps. You may also find it helpful to provide workbooks, coloring books, toys, puzzles, and other art supplies for them.

Schedule your “off” time

One tricky aspect of working from home is knowing when to sign off for the evening. Try to keep your regular work hours, and keep your evenings free for family and leisure. If you can, turn your phone off or turn off notifications.